Thursday, 21 February 2019

What is early payout for critical illness?

Do you know the different between critical illness policy and early payout critical illness policy?

Critical illness policy is payable when any policyholder is striked by any of the 36 critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, both kidneys failure etc.
Critical illness also means the illness has reach the critical or advanced  stage level. In the example of cancer, if the cancer cell is still localised in the form of a growth and has not spread to the surrounding areas, it could probably in the early or intermediate stage. Under this condition, the policy is still not payable yet because the it has not reach the advanced stage yet.

As for early payout critical illness policy, the policy will pay certain % in advance even the illness has just reached the early or intermediate stage.
In the earlier example, early payout will pay even when the cancer cell is still localised.

In summary, critical illness policy pay when the illness reaches advanced stage where by early payout policy pay during early or intermediate stage. So, early payout is a another great benefit offered by insurance company. It help to supplement policy holder existing critical illness benefit.

Depending on age, you may add in this benefit into your current investment linked policy by adding premium ad low as rm50 per month.

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