Medical card with co insurance is card that come with certain term and condition relate to the bill settlement for hospitalization. It also simply means policyholder has to bear certain percentage of the bill such as 10% or 20% depending on certain term and condition. Policy holders who are holding medical card with co insurance need to be aware of the term and condition all the time.
As for medical card with no co insurance, bill is as charged according to the medical card annual limit without any term and condition.
For great eastern life or great eastern takaful, the specific terms and conditions are
1) If policyholder stay within the hospital room rate he/she entitled in the policy, he/she only need to pay 10% up to maximum rm500.
Example : bill is RM 20,000
10% means policyholder need to pay RM 2000. However he/she only need to pay RM500 only(maximum RM500)
2) If policyholder stay more than the hospital room rate that he/she entitled in the policy,he/she need to pay 20% of the bill up to maximum RM3000.
Example:bill is RM20, 000
20% means policyholder need to pay RM4000, however he/she only need to pay RM 3000. (maximum RM3000)
As for great eastern takaful, the term is 20% of the bill for medical card with room rate rm150/day and below.
Example:bill is RM20, 000
20% means policyholder need to pay RM4000.
3) For all outpatient cancer treatment or outpatient kidney dialysis, policyholder need to pay 10% of the bill.
So, these are the 3 specific terms and conditions for medical card with co insurance. Room rate in hospital will gradually increase from time to time. In years to come, you may not be able to find room with RM150 per day or less. So, if you are having medical card with small room rate and with co insurance, you are very likely to be subjected to the term and condition every time you admit to hospital.
Question here is are you willing to pay certain % of the bill every time you admit to hospital? If you don't, the best is to convert your medical card to no co insurance.
So, if you are still healthy and qualifed to convert your medical card, quickly get it done before it is too late because the conversion is subjected to your health condition. I do experienced many applications that were rejected because policyholder already have some health issues.
What is co insurance?
Stop procrastinating and take action immediately.